



Same Pictures, Same Words

Czechs, Austrians and Germans Caricatured 1848-1948

The exhibition, formed of 60 posters, shows us, through selected caricatures, the kind of images Germans and Czechs drew of each other, when their pencils and quills were driven by resentment and prejudice.

In order to show this, German, Austrian and Czech newspapers were studied and then comparable caricatures were chosen.

The exhibition considers both specific historical events that occurred between 1848 and 1948, and more general themes expressing national stereotypes and prejudices.

Practical information

60 posters 90 x 70 cm in size (all portrait format), each poster includes four caricatures – two German and two Czech ones. The exhibition can also be shown in a reduced form.


Bilingual German and Czech

Promotional material

Press releases

The catalogue is currently out of stock

Previous locations of the exhibitions

After the exhibition opening on the 15th October 1997 in the Alfred Kubin Gallery of the Sudeten-German-House in Munich:

Berlin (1998)

Prague (1998)

Regensburg (1998)

Traunreut (1999)

Augsburg (1999)

Frankfurt am Main (1999)

Krumau/Český Krumlov (1999)

Brünn/Brno (1999)

Vienna (2000)

Zeulenroda (2000)

Hof (2001)

Gablonz/Jablonec (2002)

Pilsen (2002)

Iglau/Jihlava (2002)

Dresden (2006)

Oberplan/Horní Planá (2008)

Pardubitz/Pardubice (2008)


The Border between Time and Eternity

Historical cemeteries of the Germans in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia

Historical cemeteries of Germans in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia following on „Jewish Cemeteries in Bohemia and Moravia“ (1997): this exhibition displays abandoned cemeteries (on 64 panels) of the former German population in border regions of the Czech Republic as fragments of a forgotten era.  Whether overgrown, ruined or re-established and taken care of; the old German graves and cemeteries will one day disappear, as no place of burial exists forever. 27 amateur and professional photographers, most of them Czech, were drawn to this topic. Through their photographs they let the atmosphere and fascination of these strange places be felt, showing us how they continue to have an impact on us – in a positive way.



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